Sandra Bullock ready to renew role as landlord
Sandra Bullock has put a Hollywood Hills investment property up for lease at $18,500 a month for a yearlong lease.
That and a $37,000 deposit will get a lucky tenant an Academy Award-winning landlord and a 3,153-square-foot Contemporary. The furnished house, built in 1942, has a vaulted-ceiling living room with a fireplace, an eat-in kitchen with another fireplace, and an atrium. An office overlooks a swimming pool.
One of the three bedrooms has a sleeping loft. Including the master suite, there are three full bathrooms.
Former Marlon Brando home sells in Hollywood Hills
There’s also a cabana, a covered patio and open patio space on the tree-shaded lot, which has views of the cityscape.
Bullock, 50, won her Oscar for “The Blind Side” (2009). She has starred in such movies as “Gravity” (2013), “Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close” (2011) and “Crash” (2004). She will star in the upcoming film “Our Brand Is Crisis.”
The actress owns multiple properties in the United States. She bought this one in 2000 for $1.485 million. Hat tip goes to Trulia for spotting the listing.