Beverly Hills News – Planning Commission to Hold Special Meeting on R-1 Standards
The Beverly Hills Planning Commission will be holding a public hearing on a resolution to revise R-1 standards for singing family dwellings Tuesday, August 7 at 1 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 455 N. Rexford Drive.
A Special meeting of the Planning Commission will be at 9 a.m. the same day.
The Public Hearing will seek input on a proposed ordinance to amend the City of Beverly Hills development standards for single family properties in the central area of Beverly Hillds.
The proposed ordinance includes:
1. Adding definitions for ‘Principal Residential Building,’ ‘Architectural Projections,’ and “Sloped Roof.” in the zoning defintions in the Municipal Code;
2. Prohibiting light wells from being located in front or side setback areas except for street side setbacks where light wells may be located if screened;
3. Require port cocheres to be set back a minimum of four feet (4′) from the façade of a house;
4. For properties located south of Santa Monica Boulevard, extending the nine-foot (9′) wide side setback required on one side of the house the entire length of of the property (currently this setback is only required for the first thirty eight feet behind the front setback line);
5. Requiring walls or fence over eighteen inches (18″) high in the front setback to be set back a minimum of two feet (2′) from the front lot line and require landscaping in this two-foot area;
6. Requiring the following landscape standards: a) a two-foot wide area of landscaping along the entire length of each side yard; b) mature trees in front yards with restrictions on the types of trees permitted to meet this requirement;
7. Requiring additional parking spaces for new homes and for additional bedrooms beyond six bedrooms;
8. Revising the standards for maximum height in the principal building area for houses north of Santa Monica Boulevard to include a maximum allowed roof plate height in addition to the maximum allowed height (to the highest element of the building);
9. Requiring a house to have a greater front setback than currently required by code to build to the new maximum roof plate height. This would result in the need to provide a greater from t setback to achieve the interior ceiling heights allowed by right today.
The Planning Commission resolution is also expected to include recommendations to the City Council to review the City’s Design Review process.
All interested persons are invited to attend and speak on this matter. Written materials deadline was July 30, but will be accepted during the public hearing.
Questions may be directed to Michele McGrath, Principal Planner, Community Development Department, Planning, at (310) 285-1135, or
A copy of the proposed ordinance and the case file are available for review in the Community Development Department/Planning Services Section, 1st Floor at City Hall.
By Victoria Talbot